Frequently asked questions

Baby Safe Foundation is an Indian trust and practically all Baby safe Foundation allies are Indian. Baby Safe Foundation establishment reserves are conveyed in India to help oppressed Indian kids and a little extent is likewise put resources into different causes

 Baby Safe Foundation is completely dependent on the individual’s donation across a country.

Baby Safe Foundation raises important assets through:

People’s Efforts.
Corporate and institutional gifts.

We have discovered that affecting long haul, practical change requires an all encompassing methodology. Achieve these sorts of progress significant works are:

Direct activity with youngsters as instruction and medical care.
Local area preparation towards the achievement of their privileges.
Backing with government bodies to impact strategy outlining and execution.
Monetary help and non-monetary contributions to the type of association improvement, limit building, and preparing are stretched out to:

People and ventures working with oppressed kids and their folks, with nearby networks and government bodies.
Asset associations give preparing, schooling material, and so on to the more modest, more youthful drive specifically
Organizations that capacity as little Baby safe foundation, allowing us to expand our span

 Full-time representatives are given customary pay rates. We accept that inspiration is vital to draw in the expert who deals with our exercises, assets actually. It is essential to note, in any case, that compensations are saved in examination with business associations.

Baby safe Foundation do not receive any direct government funding.

It assuredly does. A modest quantity goes quite far and we are totally reliant upon the singular’s gift across a country.

At Baby safe Foundation accept that maintainable change for youngsters is conceivable just when we address the underlying drivers -, for example, non-working schools, kid work, jobless guardians, non-accessibility of medical care places, and so forth – that get kids far from their privileges and powerless.

Baby Safe Foundation Organisation expenses involve:

Raising Funds.
Choosing, checking, assessing, and giving limit building contributions to projects.
Making familiarity with our kids and their freedoms.
Support exercises like administrative work, HR, email, data ability, and monetary administration.
Planning paper items like hello cards, writing material, and so forth

For more information on donating to the baby safe foundation in India, please do write to us at [email protected].

Baby Safe foundation takes outright consideration to deal with gifts according to the directions given by our benefactors, on the web and disconnected. Notwithstanding, if there should arise an occurrence of an improbable occasion of an appalling circumstance or then again, in the event that the contributor might want to drop his gift, BABY SAFE FOUNDATION will react to the giver inside 7 working long stretches of getting a substantial solicitation for a discount from the benefactor

Baby Safe Foundation. The essential point of the baby Safe Foundation is social strengthening.

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